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A Day Off

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I’m feeling worn out today. After sleeping in this AM, I was debating whether or not to power through a post-work workout or just take the day off. And I ended up taking the day off. So I cooked a little dinner, played with Maizey and turned on Revenge. And I think I’ll be heading to bed soon.

I don’t know if my fatigue is my body fighting off a sickness, confusion from daylight savings, or if my workouts this week (5K race Saturday, power yoga Sunday, 7 miles yesterday) have just been a shock to my body after not working out much in the past month. 

It’s days like today — where I just take a day off — that remind me how far I’ve come with my mental and emotional health as it relates to my workouts. I used to guilt myself into workouts, wouldn’t ever let myself take a day off – in short, I didn’t listen to my body. I was too busy trying to cover up emotional struggles with food control and excessive sweat sessions. Sure, I still have days that I’m too hard on myself or workout when I really should be taking a bubble bath. And it’s sometimes hard to know if I really need a day off, or if I need to just get myself out there and workout which will make me feel better. But in general, I’m so much better at listening and being kind to my body. And I’m grateful to be at this point. 

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    15 responses to “A Day Off”

    1. Glad you have found some Balance and are taking the necessary steps toward a more well rounded, balanced life. Sometimes it takes several illnesses, injuries and mood swings for people to recognize the necessity of rest. Congrats to you!

    2. Good for you! I hope you feel better soon!

      I took an extra day off today too due to some IT Band sensitivity after a race Sunday. Last year, pushing through an injury cause me to not be able to run that same race. I am NOT going to repeat that and miss next years race!

    3. I’ve recently found that balance of being able to listen to my body and know when I need a day off, and realizing that missing some workouts won’t be the end all be all. I wouldn’t give myself a break either….waking up at 5 am to do hour and a half workouts….every. single. day. It took getting pregnant to learn the healthy balance of working out and eating right (rather than hiding my emotions with food). But now I know that it’s so much healthier to have a good balance…and I’m much happier!

    4. I struggle with this fine balance too! It is nice to hear that there are others out there who have struggled with it in the past and have overcome such struggles….so there is a light at the end of the tunnel for those of us still working out the kinks of putting too much pressure on ourselves.

      Simple, yet powerful post. Thanks!

    5. days off > workouts! Your body is telling you something, it’ll thank you for listening!

    6. days off > workouts! Your body is telling you something, it’ll thank you for listening!

    7. Totally hear this post! Very recently, I’ve started to “give myself a break” every now and then from crazy workouts and I feel so much more balanced. It’s def a little hard not to guilt myself after years of telling myself that I NEED to do intense workouts or I’ll gain weight (which has not been the case at all). It’s all about getting to a healthier mindset. 🙂

    8. Kudos to you for allowing a day of rest. I’m sure once you hit the pavement again, you’ll so glad you did!

      Speaking of emotional eating, I just downloaded (as in last night) Meg Cline’s Inside Out Weight Management (per your giveaway/recommendation) and am absolutely obsessed with it. I took it to the gym with me this morning and have been in a fantastic mood since I started it. I have a feeling I’ll be done with it tonight 🙂 So THANK YOU!

    9. I happened to stumble upon your site while researching some GI symptoms I was having, and I love it! So excited to try out some of your recipes.

      I read your “about” section and, well, felt it necessary to tell you that I too am a Terri-Lynn. One more “r” and one more “n” than you, but Terri-Lynn just the same, hyphen and all. Nice to meet you!

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