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Boston Marathon Weekend is Here! (And I bumped into Shalane Flanagan on my shakeout run, nbd)

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Hello from Boston!! We flew in yesterday, checked into our hotel in Cambridge and met up with my mom (who flew in on Friday) before heading to packet pickup!

It has finally started to sink in that I’m doing this! I’m trying to relax today and eat more since I really didn’t eat enough yesterday with travel, tight connections and a busy afternoon checking in, grocery shopping, going to the expo and getting dinner.

This morning, I woke up, got coffee and was eating a snack before my shakeout run and my freaking temporary crown broke in three places and fell out. Thankfully, I had the root canal done last week (I almost rescheduled it until after the race!) so there is no pain, but it feels really weird. I texted my dentist and she said it should be fine until I get back home, but they may have problems getting the permanent crown to fit. Oof.

I went out for my shakeout run and the wind was seriously so intense. (You can see a video in my instastories.) At one point, there was a crosswind and I was worried it was going to blow me into the road – somehow the headwind felt better. Ha!

And then something AMAZING happened. As I was waiting at a stop light, SHALANE FLANAGAN RAN UP AND STOPPED NEXT ME. And I immediately lost my mind.

I was stunned as I saw her running towards me. Then when she stopped next to me, I blurted out, “OH MY GOD.”

Her response, “Uh hi!”

The guy she was running with (I’m not sure who he was) thankfully made it less awkward since I froze and asked if I was ready for tomorrow. I told him I was as ready as I could be and that I was trying to get used to the windy conditions. I told Shalane I was rooting for her, and she said thanks and ran off as the light changed. And she yelled back to me, “Embrace the wind!”

I was so freaking giddy as I finished my run – I looked down and was running a 7:30 mile, ha! I had the biggest smile on my face and my nerves dissipated for at least two hours because I was on such a high after that. SUCH a cool Boston Marathon experience, no matter how the race goes.

After my run, I ate a couple dates with almond butter as I got ready and we all headed over to Flour for lunch. Christina recommended it and we all LOVED it. I can’t wait to go back after the race and get some treats! Check out that gluten-free focaccia!

And now, I’m back at the hotel relaxing for the rest of the afternoon! I may take a short walk before dinner, but it looks like the rain may move in soon. So mostly I’m trying to relax, physically and mentally. And I keep compulsively checking the weather every 20 minutes hoping it magically changes.

My Goals for the Boston Marathon

Everyone keeps asking what my goal is for Boston and I like to set A, B and C goals since you just never know how race day will go. And with this weather, I REALLY don’t know how it will go!

My A Goal: Run 3:17

This is a BIG reach goal for me, but all my training runs indicate that I’m fully capable of it. But… with the wind, I won’t be devastated if I don’t hit it. That’s a all-the-stars-aligned-perfectly goal. 🙂 Not a severe-weather-gale-warning goal.

It’s kind of a bummer since my training went so well and I trained so hard to feel like I won’t be able to run to my full potential. But, I’m very lucky that I had such good training since training lasts longer than a race anyway. 😉 And my training gave me confidence and helped me realize that I’m capable of running strong at longer distances. (More on that in another post!)

My B Goal: Run under 3:30

I qualified with a 3:28 time (on a perfect day with a pancake flat course) so this is probably more realistic given the course and weather.

My C Goal: Have an AMAZING time. I’M RUNNING BOSTON!

If the times I’m going for just aren’t happening, at least I know I can achieve this goal. And it’s something to be proud of, no matter what.


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    6 responses to “Boston Marathon Weekend is Here! (And I bumped into Shalane Flanagan on my shakeout run, nbd)”

    1. Random Boston-based reader dropping in to say that I think we ran past each other on the Mass Ave bridge this morning in that crazy crosswind! I thought you looked really familiar – would’ve stopped to say hi if we weren’t both about to be blown off the bridge 🙂 Can’t believe you ran into Shalane soon after that – amazing. You’re going to rock it tomorrow!!

    2. Have a great race!!! It’s been awesome following your journey! As weird as this sounds, I was just talking about you today with a friend of mine who ran Boston a couple of years ago. She beat breast cancer last year, but is now back to running (just ran a half marathon yesterday and was the first female finisher!)–you runners are an awesome breed. I don’t run (like literally wouldn’t run from a burning building…LOL), but I enjoy following runners like you and others via blogs & Instagram anyway! It’s very exciting and I hope you have a great day (despite the likely crummy weather). Thinking of you and sending LOTS of well wishes your way!!!

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